on Drums
   Drums was the first instrument for me, and I am so glad that it was. Music is lost without a proper rhythm. After terrorizing the kitchen pots and pans for a while, my parents bought me a toyish drum kit for Christmas I think. Much to my sisters chagrin. Don't think it lasted a month. Then we pieced together some random Japenese blue sparkle drums from various places, such as 2 Guys in Union. Getting up early to play along with the Rolling Stones "Get Yer Ya Ya's Out" record every morning before school would start the day. Charlie Watts was the ultimate metronome for me. At most gigs you end up playing on whetever the rental company got a deal on. I do have a beautiful Sonor designer kit that is a Panzer with heads on it. And also the coolest 1969 Ludwig Mod Orange.   = )